African Biodigester Component- Annual Knowledge Exchange 1-2024 (EN)Presentation by Hans Langeveld and Amadou Diallo at the Annual Knowledge Exchange meeting in Kenya on June 13, 2024. The presentation is about standardization and certification.
African Biodigester Component- Annual knowledge exchange 2- 2024 (EN)Presentation by dr. Ard Lengkeek at the Annual Knowledge Exchange meeting in Kenya on June 10, 2024. The presentation is about business cases, methodology and results.
Bio-slurry Enriched Compost (BEC) production and application- Training for BE and AIS_Module 2- 2024 (EN)
Module 3- Workshop on the added value of bio-slurry to the biodigester’s business case- 2024
OFVI-Scaling the bio-slurry market- 2024 (EN)
IMP 4 Added value of bio-slurry and BEC Methodology and preliminary results-2024 (EN)This presentation was held by Biomass Research and DIBCoop.
Organic Fertilizer Valorization Implementer Layout, results and planning- Utrecht- 2023 (EN)This presentation was held by Hans Langeveld, Wim Spieringhs, Wim van Nes, Alessia Capurso, Ard Lengkeek at Utrecht on 13 December 2023.
Technical results -February 2023 (EN)Held in February 2023, this presentation by Hans Langeveld covers the technical results of using bio-slurry and BEC, including feedstock availability, yield effects, short- versus long-term effects, and soil improvement.
ABC- Sahel etat des lieux du secteur du biodigesteur au (Niger)- 2023 (FR)
SEE- Clean cooking – ABC- Sahel Business case enterprise (FR)
SEE- Clean cooking ABC-Sahel- Etat des lieux du secteur du biodigesteur au (Burkina Faso)- 2023 (FR)
OFVI- Réunion des acteurs de mise en œuvre de ABC Sahel Bamako- 2023 (FR)
Session 1 Introduction to bio-slurry and BEC 28 June 2023 (EN)This presentation includes Biodigester overview, anaerobic digestion, organic fertilizers : bio-slurry, compost and BEC, storage and application, and
benefits and challenges.
Session 1 Bio- slurry use and application- 19 June 2023 (EN)This presentation includes useful content on crops and cropping systems, plant nutrients, crop nutrient requirements and application, and the advantages of bio-slurry.
Biogas potential from organic waste in Africa – The 31th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 4DO.1 biogas development and innovative solutions- 2023 (EN)This presentation by G. Ghaffari, T. Heijnen, M. Lamichhane, K. Kinusu, M. Muvule and H. Langeveld held at 31th European Biomass Conference and exhibition. The presentation covers Organic residue availability and composition, biomethane potential in East Africa, feedstock mixtures for medium scale biodigesters, bioslurry composition and Policy environment.
OFVI-Results and outlook- The first ABC Annual Knowledge Exchange Event- 2023 (EN)This presentation covers results of the Inception phase, implementation phase activities and the next steps and was held in the first ABC Annual knowledge exchange in Kampala on May 24,2023.
Added value of bio-slurry, BEC (Inception 6)- Meeting with SNV, GIZ, BSUL- August 24, 2022 (EN)This presentation by Hans Langeveld, Golaleh Ghaffari, Foluke Quist-Wessel and Elise Pinners, covers Activity Inception 6, Yield and fertilizer gap and Filling this gap. The presentation was held in a meeting with SNV, GIZ, and BSUL on August 24, 2022.
Organic Fertiliser Valorisation Implementer within ABC programme (EN)This presentation covers an overview of ABC implementation roles, ABC lead implementers, OFVI consortium and OFVI local implementing partners.
Organic Fertilizer Valorisation Implementer OFVI (EN)This presentation covers an overview of OFVI and assessment of policies.
Soils in Sub-Saharan Africa (EN)A presentation providing information about soils, crop nutrition, and nutrient management.
OFVI ABC presentation National Biogas Stakeholder Workshop, Uganda 2024 (EN)Presentation by Hans Langeveld of the OFVI project at the National Biogas Stakeholder Workshop in Uganda. This presentation covers the principles of using a biodigester, bioslurry, and Bioslurry-Enriched Compost (BEC), and impacts of these organic fertilizers on soils and crops. The workshop was a great success thanks to the hosts and organizers: GIZ-Endev, SNV Uganda, Biogas Solutions Uganda, and NEMB-Uganda.Watch the presentation, from 3:02:00
OFVI ABC presentation Sahel meeting 2024 (FR)Proceedings from the OFVI consortium presentation at the ABC Sahel meeting in Cotonou, Benin. The members of the OFVI consortium (Biomass Research, SNV, and DibCoop), presented key OFVI achievements from 2023, plans for the upcoming two years, and gathered inputs from ABC partners and implementers.
Presentation introduction to OFVI – ABC project 2022 (EN)Presentation by the OFVI consortium (Biomass Research, DibCoop, and SNV) introducing the strategy, goals, and plans of the OFVI-ABC project.